Founded in 1981, SHPE DFW has been one of the leading STEM organizations in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex for Hispanics in STEM.
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Our Story.
SHPE Nation History. The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) was founded in Los Angeles, California, in 1974 by Rodrigo "Rod" Garcia and a group of engineers employed by the City of Los Angeles. Their objective was to form a national organization of professional engineers to serve as role models in the Hispanic community.
The concept of networking was the key basis for the organization. SHPE quickly established two student chapters to begin the network that would grow to encompass the nation as well as reach countries outside the United States. Today, SHPE enjoys a strong but independent network of professional and student chapters throughout the nation.
SHPE makes a big impact. We’re the largest association in the nation for Hispanics in STEM. We meet each of our student and professional members where they are—offering effective training, mentorship, and programming for our vibrant community.
SHPE’s growth isn’t slowing down anytime soon. As we continue to expand our membership, programs, and partnerships, we’re guided by a clear mission, a bright vision, and the core values demonstrated by our founders.
Visit SHPE National website to learn more about SHPE's history.
SHPE DFW History. The Dallas-Fort Worth Professional Chapter of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers was the first professional chapter to be established in the organization.
​Fernando Laclette, an engineer for Rockwall International, joined SHPE in 1976 in southern California and became a member of the SHPE Board of Directors. Fernando was transferred to Dallas, Texas in 1979, and soon experienced a longing for the association with SHPE. He spread the message of the mission and purpose of SHPE to his fellow Hispanic engineers at Rockwall International, and built a network with Hispanic engineers at General Dynamics in Fort Worth.
Fernando Laclette, and co-founder Alberto Gutierrez, organized Hispanic engineers from Dallas and Fort Worth into a professional association, developed the constitution and bylaws, and petitioned SHPE to be recognized as a professional chapter.
In 1981 Richard Himenez, SHPE President, officially recognized SHPE DFW as SHPE's first professional chapter. The organization was formally incorporated under the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act on June 8, 1981.
SHPE DFW was instrumental in setting up student chapters at Souther Methodist University (SMU), University of Oklahoma (OU) and the University of Texas at Austin (UT). For his outstanding contributions in the fields of engineering and science to the Hispanic community, Fernando Laclette was presented with SHPE's Jaime Oaxaca Award in 1986. ​​​
Our Values.
We are brought together by heritage, social responsibility and desire to improve the equality of all people through the use of science and technology.
We value excellence in education, professional pursuits and leadership.
We obtain excellence through integrity, empowerment, achievement, diversity and continuous improvement.
Our Mission.
SHPE promotes the development of Hispanics in the engineering, science, and other technical professions to achieve educational excellence, economic opportunity and social equity. ​​
Our Vision.
SHPE's vision is a world where Hispanics are highly valued and influential as the leading innovators, scientists, mathematicians and engineers.
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Our Strategic Focus.
We will fulfill our mission by increasing educational opportunities, promoting professional and personal growth, carry out our social responsibility to be involved in education, business and government issues and enhancing pride within our organization and reinforcing our reputation as a vital Hispanic organization.
We take responsibility for our collective strength and passion by developing communities, building a diverse and inclusive membership, and challenging each other to be our best.
We act on a foundation of service. We commit to deliver the highest levels of quality, integrity, and ethical behavior. We act with empathy, patience, and understanding.
We value formal education and professional development. We are dedicated to continuous improvement and renewal. We learn from successes, setbacks, and each other.
We embrace our diverse cultures and communities, which enable us to adapt, thrive, and persist with optimism.
Our Organizational Structure.